Have you ever known people who went to the hospital and get even sicker? Hospitals are supposed to be a place where people get better and heal and for the most part, they are. However, there is a thing called “Healthcare-Associated Infections” or HAIs.
HAIs are when a person who is in the hospital ends up contracting an infection which makes them even sicker. The reason for this is pretty simple: you’re in a hospital and you’re also surrounded by people who are sick. With your immune system already low, it is easier to contract infections.
The official stats say that 1 in 25 people who go to the hospital end up getting sicker because of HAIs. HAIs have a high mortality rate and can be dangerous. There are many ways someone can contract HAIs such as surgical lines, ventilator-related pneumonia, infections spreading through the ICU, and more. The point is: HAIs are dangerous and cost the U.S. healthcare systems billions of dollars each year.
Now, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , or MRSA is a type of bacteria that is responsible for over 100,000 MRSA infections in the U.S alone; and stats show that 1 out of 5 MRSA infections results in death. However, MRSA doesn’t only affect patients but also healthcare workers. About 4.6% of healthcare workers carry the infection in their nose, pharynx, or throat. This infection can be passed through open wounds, cuts, equipment, etc.
While standard sanitising procedures work great, they do not account for human error. It is difficult to reach certain areas, someone can rush through the sanitization process, and omission to clean certain spots are some examples of human error.
An instant ATP (adenosine triphosphate) test will tell you if surfaces were cleaned of organic matter. However, it does not tell you if the surface has been cleaned of pathogenic microorganisms. To know the latter, you need to count and incubate and that process could take days or even longer. To put it simply, hospitals just don’t have that kind of time.
With emergencies and constant pressure, it can be next to impossible to keep track of such things. So, there is no way to tell if a surface has been cleaned completely or not. All you have to do is put your trust in the person who disinfected it and we understand how that can’t be good enough, especially if it’s a life-and-death situation you are dealing with.
And to deal with this problem, iO Air came up with a solution. Rather than getting rid of all the current sanitization protocols, our solution works with them to make them better. iO Air makes sure that ALL areas of hospitals are totally sterilized and not just the high-risk areas, either.
iO Air’s sanitizing solution makes sure that you have a second set of hands cleaning everything after the standard sanitization protocol has taken place. iO Air’s solution will also work to modify an unoccupied room’s atmosphere to act as a natural sanitizer. This makes less room for human error and takes sanitization to the next level.

With iO Air, you can clock disinfection rates of 99.87% for MRSA and 99.97% for Strep. These numbers are incredibly high for a system that requires no human interference and is completely automated. iO Air is tackling the problem of HAIs with great efficiency and takes the challenge head-on.
We are committed to eradicating HAIs and want to work with hospitals to get the alarming stats down. So, if you’re a healthcare worker, don’t be a part of the problem. Let’s work together to take down HAIs, one hospital at a time!
Contact us today to get a FREE demo of our device and see the results speak for themselves, only at: https://keap.app/booking/dantewhite/15-minute-initial-consultation