
Why a College Campus Should Use Video Surveillance to Investigate a Missing Person

Why a College Campus Should Use Video Surveillance to Investigate a Missing Person

A missing person is an extremely urgent situation because that person could be in danger. So what can you do to prevent or reduce this potentially dangerous occurrence? By adding advanced video surveillance technology to your campus, that’s how! Continue reading this blog to learn more.  

College campuses can be hotbeds of public safety issues, ranging from theft to medical emergencies. One particularly challenging issue is the search for missing persons.Campus security officers and administrators now have a powerful tool at their disposal—combining video surveillance cameras with advanced content software. This results in faster resolution times when attempting to locate missing persons. 

Although there is a popular belief that campus security and law enforcement must wait 24 hours before intervening in cases of missing persons, the reality is more complex. While adults have the legal right to choose not to be found, universities possess enforceable obligations upon learning one of their students has gone missing; even if it was done voluntarily. As such, institutions are required by law to investigate any disappearance for signs that they may have been taken against their will.

Time is of the essence when searching for a missing person. An investigation into their whereabouts requires an extensive amount of staff and resources, with hours or days spent combing through search areas that could be affected by numerous unpredictable factors—from natural disasters to abusive relationships, weather anomalies to suicidal tendencies. Each variable must be carefully considered in order to find these individuals quickly and safely.

In order to quickly and accurately investigate a missing person case, investigators are increasingly leveraging the power of video surveillance cameras on college campuses. However, manual review is often tedious, unreliable and extremely time-consuming. Luckily, modern technology can sift through hours worth of recordings in minutes for vital clues about the last sighting of the missing subject. 

Video Content Analytics software, powered by Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, provides security teams with the advantage of pinpoint accuracy when confronted with challenging surveillance scenarios. Through sophisticated object identification techniques such as gender recognition, clothing type classification or color analysis—operators can quickly filter through high-volumes of campus video footage across multiple cameras to identify individuals based on their descriptions. This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing how organizations are able to respond in complex situations that require quick action; helping them accurately locate people or objects faster than ever before.

To help locate missing persons, investigators can utilize an array of search-related images as well as appearance similarity filters to scour archived footage. Moreover, customized real-time alerts are available if someone matching the person’s description is detected in a camera feed. This greatly improves the ability to track down both suspects and missing individuals.

As you can see, video surveillance technology can be used in urgent situations such as when there is a missing person. The cutting-edge technology allows for immediate action which will accurately locate people. From gender recognition, to the setting of alerts for specific situations, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence helps college and university security teams tackle complicated situations with more efficiency and ease. 

To learn more about making your campus safe for students, staff, and visitors, be sure to reach out to us for a demo and to get answers to your questions: Call or email usl today at 720 702 TECH or  info@oppuous.com or you can schedule at your leisure at: https://letsmeet.io/oppuousllc/15-minute-initial-consultation


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