
An Amazing, Awesome Announcement at Oppuous

How do you feel when all of your blood, sweat, tears, late nights, and long years you’ve poured into your business is recognized by others? Priceless. Humbled. Hungry to help even more people. 


When one first starts a business, if their heart is in the right place, they are in it to find solutions for people. They know that people or businesses have a certain problem, and they want to be the go-to solution. 


That’s one of the major things we’ve strived for at Oppuous – to bring smart, sustainable solutions to businesses just like yours. Along the way, if you do things right, you hope to make an impact not only on people, but the planet, too. 


Every year DotCom Magazine, a leading news platform providing interviews with newsmakers, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs, announces their choice for their Impact Company of The Year award. Here’s what DotCom Magazine has to say about their Impact award:


“The DotCom Magazine 2024 Impact Company of The Year celebrates shapeshifting entrepreneurs and their companies. When a company makes an impact, not only are they helping their clients, but they are also helping the world become a better place.”

We are humbled and honored to announce that they chose Oppuous as their 2024 Impact Company of the Year! Andy Jacob, CEO of DotCom Magazine says, “We appreciate the selfless commitment that leaders and entrepreneurs make to their brand. We are honored to award great companies [like Oppuous] our DotCom Magazine 2024 Impact Company of The Year Award. At DotCom Magazine, we believe entrepreneurs are the heartbeat of the world in so many ways. We believe it is a world where risk takers must be lauded, saluted, and respected. 2024 is an incredibly unique year in so many ways. Companies have so many ways to make an impact, and that’s why each company’s unique impact is so [much more] important than ever before. Our award winners have courage and an unyielding passion to grow and contribute in incredibly unique ways.”


He goes on to say, “In 2024, everyone talks about uncertain times. In 2024, we believe it is the leaders of impactful companies that stick their head up above the crowd, and say ‘we can do this, ‘we will get it done, we will make this happen,  we are willing to pay the price,’ and ‘we will turn uncertainty into opportunity.’ Our award winners are selected for leadership. Their company leads and their business system leads, we consider our award winners lamplighters. We believe we need more courageous entrepreneurs bringing light into the world by building compelling companies that make a difference.”


Our reaction to this awesome recognition was humility and gratitude. Gratitude for all those who believed in Oppuous, helped it grow from the ground up, and the businesses and individuals we have the privilege of partnering with and get the chance to have a positive impact on. We would not be where we are today without all of YOU! 


Here is what our CEO, Dante White has to say about receiving the award:


It’s a distinct honor to be recognized among such a respected group of privately owned companies that are moving the needle on business strategy and making a significant impact on the economy. We’d like to thank DotCom Magazine for recognizing how important it is to align profits, strategy and vision with positive impact that extends beyond board rooms and balance sheets. We’d also like to thank all of the organizations and individuals we’ve had the privilege of working with over the past year. In the spirit of partnership, Oppuous’s work is truly a shared collective that is empowered by our network of beloved clients and partners – who inspire business excellence every day and every step of the way.”


(You can read DotCom Magazine’s press release about the award here


Here at Oppuous, we pride ourselves on doing things a little differently – it is off the beaten path that you often find the best success. Like we said, we are deeply honored that we received the 2024 Impact Company of the Year Award. We believe there are a few key things that allowed us to create such a positive impact that lead us to winning this prestigious accolade: 


  1. We Are Proud To Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Diversity, equity, and inclusion are second nature to Oppuous. We believe that….


  • Diversity in businesses enhances creativity and innovation, increases adaptability, and improves employee retention and morale. 
  • Equity levels the playing field, and provides the needed tools for business’s needs, no matter the size or stature. 
  • Inclusivity promotes a variety of perspectives, increased employee engagement, and well-rounded decision making. 
  • Plus, Oppuous is proud to be a minority-owned and Black-owned business. 

  1. We Offer a Suite of Expert Services: “A jack of all trades, and a master of none,” is bogus to us. We believe that with the right expert partnerships in place, a company can offer expert services in a variety of niches. We are a master of all that we do, and we’re not afraid to say it! 


  1. Our Services Are Sustainable: We’re not just passionate about positively impacting the people and partnerships we have the privilege of working with. We are also passionate about the planet! Several of our solutions for businesses are centered around sustainability. 


  1. We Are Relentless In Our Customer & Client Services: Our ultimate goal here at Oppuous is to provide our clients and customers with amazing solutions to their specific problems. We won’t stop until the job is done and you are satisfied. 


  1. Powerful Technology Solutions: We all know the world is changing rapidly, and seems to be heading down a common pathway of tech. Oppuous is entirely on board and we are experts at bringing smart, sustainable tech-solutions to your business. 

Again, we are extremely humbled to be awarded DotMagazine’s 2024 Impact Company of the Year. It all is just a great reminder of the true impact we have of all those we come across, good or bad. So, here’s to making it not good, but great. 


Interested in seeing what solutions Oppuous can bring to your business? Go here to discover more and schedule a complimentary discovery call:https://oppuous.com/marketplace/


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1-on-1 Onboarding


  1. Hyper target your ideal target audience
  2. Build your first outreach campaign
  3. Craft your messaging
  4. Customize account limits
  5. Profile optimization completed after the call


  1. Review metrics from initial campaign
  2. A/B split testing
  3. Leveraging inbox functionality
  4. Blacklist + templates overview


  1. Explore additional targeting options
    • a. Events
    • b. Groups
    • c. Post Engagement
    • d. Messaging Campaign (1st Degree)